Please Pray for Wanda and Danny King from Deep South Homestead on YouTube

Hello all.

Just a quick post to ask you to be praying for Wanda and Danny King, members of the church that I pastor, but primarily known to most of you as Deep South Homestead on YouTube.

Sis. Wanda was taken to the hospital because of some chest pain and is having some tests run today to determine the cause.  Please pray for her health and healing.  Please also remember to pray for Bro. Danny as well, for strength and peace in this challenging time for them.

If you don’t know them, you can learn more about them from this video:


And this video that tells how the Lord brought them together:


Thanks all for your prayers for these very special people!  I know that they appreciate it!

Be blessed today! God loves you!

Bro. Beall


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