WHAT IF….the Beatles sang a hymn?


Hello there.

I’m the kind of person who values humor of all sorts to ease the bumpy ride of life from time to time.  I have learned that there is a time to be serious, and then there’s a time to laugh- that’s Scriptural (Ecclesiastes).

I’ve even learned to laugh at myself along the way, and I’ve learned to laugh at some of the hang-ups we have as Christians that we have created ourselves.  It seems that we may have forgotten how to just enjoy ourselves with child-like joy and excitement.

This post is for you free spirits out there that are not afraid to think outside the box a little bit and have a little fun.

What if the Beatles sang a hymn and glorified Jesus back in the 1960’s?  It might sound something like this parody below.  See if you can listen to this and not smile! I can’t do it.

I hope you enjoy it!

Bro. Beall

“Pastor In Plaid”

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